About Us

The affix "da Estrela do Mar", was registered in 1996 in the FCI. and Portuguese Kennel Club, is in the name of Paulo and Neusa Toste and is derived from:
* "Estrela" - From Serra da Estrela (place where we met and started dating in 1990) and its magnificent canine representative, Estrela Mountain Dog (our first breed 1995) and * "Sea", - from Algarve and Azores and its magnificent canine representative, Portuguese Water Dog.

The Portuguese Water Dog is, by excellence, a family dog, both loves to run and swim at the beach or pool or even in a dam or stream, or lying quietly in the room at the feet of the owner. It is a perfect dog to accompany children because it is not aggressive and is very playful, even after old age it never seems to grow up keeping a puppy temperament. He has a tender and penetrating gaze and is very captivating.
It is impetuous, willful, brave and resistant, has an enormous sensitivity and perception, it even seems to have a second sense, which makes it great in the relationship with people and other dogs. It also has an instinct of guard, protection and sensitivity to accompany the owner in his leisure or work, it likes to hunt, lead herds and especially to interact in aquatic environments.